Closed Until Further Notice
It still feels very strange.... like time has stood still and we are all in a post-apocalyptic science fiction movie, but in this case, it's very real. I look out the window of my home and it all looks normal out there. Sun streaming in the windows, birds flying, the wind is rushing through the leaves of the Spring growth, lawnmowers breaking the quiet with their annoying buzzing but I know the world isn't right. I am not alone in this bad dream. One's experience certainly depends on if you or any loved ones or friends have had the virus and if it has a mild effect or a severe response which only a trip to the hospital can possibly save you. This has struck close to home as my daughter tested positive almost three weeks ago without any major symptoms as well as my sister and her husband.
An unprepared, narcissistic and hateful President Trump who is in denial about the harm that this pandemic is causing and his constant lying and misinforming American citizens as to the dire impact it is having on people's health, mental well being, and the financial hit the economy is taking because it potentially could/will hurt his chances for re-election.
As I ventured out to explore what Boston looked like under self-isolation, the city was locked-down pretty tight with a few exceptions. Most of the people I passed use face masks but I was and still am surprised at how a fair number of people flaunt the recommendations of health care professionals. Mental illnesses aside, arrogance and self-centered attitudes continue to exist. Maybe Darwin's theories will take its toll but unfortunately, it is also taking the innocent and vulnerable as well.
To make photographs during this period of time speaks to my hopes that there is a future where people will look back on this event with both awe and sadness for the 100's of thousands of American people who have died from this illness. Researchers, archivists, and historians will be looking to know what Boston looked, and felt like. These images will be a small trove of photographs available documenting the 2020 coronavirus pandemic.