It's much harder for me to find the motivation to go out in the cold weather of New England and explore what Winter photography has to offer. Rarely do I come back empty-handed especially if I head out into a raging snowstorm. The one sure thing I can count on is that there are rarely many cars on the road but I do have to pay special attention to the snowplows working to clear the snow-laden streets and making sure I don't end up in their way. Besides making sure the truck is filled with plenty of gas, I dress with an outer layer of waterproof clothes with plans on hiking into woods and forests while making sure not to fall down any ravines into lakes or reservoirs. I know that things can get dangerous climbing around slippery rocks on the waters edge while trying to find an expansive view of what Winter looks like. Another issue rarely mentioned or spoken about by outdoor photographers is the hazards of snowflakes on the lens of the camera which is similar to water/raindrops on the lens which definitely add a distracting visual blotch to any photograph so keeping the camera and lens relatively dry and wiping off any water helps to keep my shots crystal sharp. This sounds like it should be easy to do but it's important to develop a technique that doesn't let more droplets on the lens while trying to get water drops off the lens. Changing and switching the lens also creates its own perils of keeping the equipment free of snow and ice.